Bitcoin vs Litecoin – Which Is Better For Retail Investors?

If you're new to cryptocurrency and looking for a way to get started, Bitcoin (BTC) may seem like the obvious choice. After all, it's the oldest and most well-known cryptocurrency on the market today. But there's another option: Litecoin (LTC).

Bitcoin vs Litecoin – Which Is Better For Retail Investors?
Bitcoin vs Litecoin


If you're new to cryptocurrency and looking for a way to get started, Bitcoin (BTC) may seem like the obvious choice. After all, it's the oldest and most well-known cryptocurrency on the market today. But there's another option: Litecoin (LTC). While both coins have their own pros and cons, here's everything you need to know about which one is better for retail investors:

Bitcoin vs Litecoin

  • Bitcoin is the first cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an anonymous developer (or group of developers) going by the name Satoshi Nakamoto.

  • At its launch, Bitcoin was the first decentralized peer-to-peer payment network that allowed payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. It's also been called digital gold because it acts as an alternative currency that can be used to store value and as a medium of exchange.

  • Despite its early success, Bitcoin’s reputation has suffered over time due to perceived security issues and concerns about its use as an investment vehicle rather than a currency; however many investors still believe it could become mainstream in years ahead given its growing acceptance across industries such as finance firms dealing with large sums of money on daily basis!

The History of Bitcoin and Litecoin

Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency, created in 2009 by an unknown person or group of people under the name Satoshi Nakamoto. It was then released as open-source software in 2009 with its code publicly available to view and modify.

The first transaction using bitcoin occurred when Laszlo Hanyecz bought two pizzas for 10,000 bitcoins. By December 2017, one bitcoin was worth around $12,000 USD (at time of writing this article).

Litecoin was created by Charlie Lee in 2011 as a fork from Bitcoin Core; it offers faster transaction times than Bitcoin Core does but with lower fees. Since Litecoin has been launched there have been several forks off it including Dogecoin and Feathercoin which are also peer-to-peer cryptocurrencies based on open source software and global payment networks that are fully decentralized without any central authorities controlling them

Key Differences Between Bitcoin and Litecoin

In the cryptocurrency market, Bitcoin and Litecoin are two of the most popular cryptocurrencies in the world. The history of bitcoin has been long, but it didn't start out as a currency. It started out as an open source project that anyone could contribute to and build upon, which made it perfect for being used by people who wanted to create their own digital currencies without having to rely on traditional banking institutions like banks or credit unions.

Bitcoin was created in 2009 by someone who goes by Satoshi Nakamoto (whoever he actually is). He designed Bitcoin so that there would be no need for middlemen when transferring money from one place to another—you could just send it directly from person A's bank account into yours without needing any kind of intermediary company like PayPal or Western Union.

However, since this new technology wasn't fully developed yet at its inception point here are some key differences between Bitcoin vs Litecoin:

Which Cryptocurrency Is Better for Retail Investors?

If you’re looking for the best cryptocurrencies for retail investors, then Bitcoin is king. It has a larger market cap and a faster transaction speed than Litecoin.

However, if you're looking to invest in a currency that's more affordable and easy to use than Bitcoin (but still offers some of its advantages), then Litecoin might be your best bet.


There’s no denying that Bitcoin is the best choice for retail investors. It has a better price history, and its technology has been around longer than Litecoin. But with all that said, it's important to remember that both Bitcoin and Litecoin are still new technologies with plenty of room to grow—so both could be worth more in the future.

In addition to its similarities and differences in terms of technology (Bitcoin vs Litecoin), there are other reasons why you might choose one over another:

  • You want to accept payments from merchants via cryptocurrency or debit card; this requires some technical expertise on your part but may also save you money when compared with traditional credit cards because there are no transaction fees associated with accepting these payment methods.* You want access to discounted products or services from retailers who accept cryptocurrency as payment method.*


The takeaway from this article is that both cryptocurrencies are interesting, and each has its own unique features. However, when it comes to retail investors who want to make money off their investments, Litecoin might be a better choice because it’s cheaper and faster than Bitcoin.